Monday, February 25, 2008

STS 2-25-08

How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser. -Lou Holtz

A great qoute, as the ability to make mid-game adjustments cannot be understated. I know Lou meant for the qoute to extend further than the field, but it's a great example of yet another attribute of an intelligent coach: the ability to step outside the game and view it strategically from a peripheral level without emotion. Definitely one of the most useful attributes for player/coaches in a uber-streaky sport like ours.

Here's a new article by Alwyn Cosgrove that is extremely informative. Listen to the man:

And one of my favorites that needs to be re-read at least once a year:
(click on "the best exercise you're not doing")

One day I'll learn how to do those link-things like one of those real blogger types. One day.

The focus of today's workout was a longer-than-usual emphasis on jump-training and also on hang-cleans for the Functional Strength part.

Movement Prep: cycle of jump-rope, walking split-squats, squats, side-lunges, inchworms, handstand pushups, and shootin' hoops.

Medicine Ball:
1A: front-squat throws
1B: mini-band shuffles

2A: sumo-squat backwards toss w/jump backwards
2B: mini-band skips

3A: Medicine Ball 3-throw circuit (see previous posts for reference)
3B: mini-band shuffles

Plyometric/explosive movent:

1A: mini-band high knees on med. plyo box
1B: plyo pushups
2 sets

2A: down n' back step-ups on small plyo box
2B: jumping pullups w/tuck
2 sets

3A: sitting box jumps w/alternating leg pistol squats
3B: hanging leg-raises
3 sets

4: box jump march on med. plyo box:
2 sets

Tried a new exercise today also, a romanian dead-lift to weighted squat-jump hybrid. To do this I took dumbells in each hand, performed the first part of the RDL (lowering) and then at the bottom I bent my knees fully and transistioned into the bottom of a squat. Then once I was centered I exploded up in a jump-squat. Very simple, and very effective. A nice variation on two seperate exercises. Here's the RDL portion:

Functional Strength:

1: Hang Cleans: 6 sets w/increasing weight

Also did a crazy-hard circuit 4 times through, each time alternating wearing mini-bands. Like I said, the possibilites of them are endless.

2A: Deadlifts
2B: Push-press
2C: Decline sit-ups w/weight

3A: Overhead split-squats
3B: core twists w/medicine ball

Finished the workout with a killer circuit of:

- chinups w/dumbbell between feet
- GHD's
- GHD situps
- dips
3x through w/no rest

This week:
Monday: workout above
Tuesday: Winter League game
Wednesday: rest and/or yoga/stretching
Thursday: weights
Friday: Heavybag work & hill runs. On my last heavybag workout I alternated rounds wearing the mini-bands and it had an amazing effect on my lower body. Trying to keep your power stance and move properly with your knees being tugged together is amazingly good on the core/hips/legs. Crazy, I know.
Saturday: Flag football game in morning, ultimate in the afternoon.
Sunday: Golfy-golf, ultimate if good weather, weights if not.

Your goal for this week is to:
A) buy some mini-bands. Seriously.
B) find a way to incorporate them into a portion of your workout that you haven't done before. If what you've created with them is awesome then feel free to write me about it so I can try it out as well.

Now go to it.


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