Monday, February 11, 2008

STS 2-12-08

I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.
-Shaquille O'Neal

This video is fantastic for showing the sequence of movements that make up the hang clean. In slow motion you can really see how the bar follows a direct line from the pull to the catch as close the body as possible. If your experience in olympic lifts are limited then start with deadlift-to-high pulls, front-squats, and jump-shrugs combined with lightweight cleans (just the bar) until you feel comfortable with the sequence of movements and can keep the bar on that single line close to your body. Truly my favorite excercise as it just about trains everything all at once. Add the push-press and your now into badass territory.

Todays Workout:

Movement Prep: 15 minutes worth of jump-roping, clock split-squats, inchworms, T-pushups, side lunges, bodyweight squats, & ab wheel.

Medicine Ball/Mini Band Sequence:
1A 10 front-squat throws w/catch
1B 4 mini-band shuffles

2A 10 sumo-squat backwards throws (instead of throwing straight up, throw against wall behind you as high up as you can throw) w/catch
2B 4 mini-band shuffles

3A 3-throw sequence from previous post (5 times through)
3B 4 mini-band shuffles

Plyometric Movement:

2 sets of each with plyo-pushups and jumping pull-ups w/tuck mixed in intermittently

- Mini-band high knees on med. plyo box
- Explosive step-ups, alternating legs in air
- split-squat jumps (make sure your feet don't get too far away from the center of your body. it's not a lunge jump, as the video incorrectly states).

Advanced Level: Pistol Squat-to-sitting box jump: sit on medium plyo box, perform 1-leg'd (pistold) squat with right leg, lower back to sitting on box and repeat with leg left, lower back to sitting and perform sitting box jump, landing on box in 1/4 squat with zero noise. That's 1 rep.

Functional Strength Training:

1A: Lateral Step-ups w/crossover: Stand on the left side of the medium plyo box with your right leg on the box in proper step-up position and bar w/weight on your back. Movement is the same as regular step-up except you step down to the side instead of backwards. Step up with right leg 3 times then at the top of step-up cross your left foot in front over to the right side of the top of the plyo box and step down with right foot so that you are now on the right side of the box with left foot on top of box in proper step-up position. Perform 3 with left-leg then cross-over back to original position. Shoot for 9-12 reps with each leg. Advanced Level: once you can lateral step-up with complete control crossover each time you step up instead of waiting until your 3rd rep.
1B: Hanging leg/knee raise

Go through 1st superset twice with rest only after hanging leg raise.

2A: overhead split-squat: 12 reps, movement is initiated by posterior chain of back leg.
2b: Lateral shuffles with mini-bands: 30-45 seconds, focus on no noise on landings.

Go through 2nd superset twice with 1st set forward split-squat, 2nd set backwards split-squat.

This next sequence is from Tyler Hansbrough's strength coach and it's emphasis is on strengthening the back. This mothaf'er is crazy-ridiculous and a huge reason for his strength gains since he came to college. Perform this with 40% of your bodyweight or below. And as always, Form. Is. Everything.

Move from one movement to the next without rest:

Deadlift-to-high-pull (6 reps)
Hang Snatches (6 reps. If you don't know how to do these substitute with russian dead-lifts)
Good-mornings (6 reps)
Thrusters (Front-squat to push-press- 6 reps)
Bent over back rows (6 reps- don't round that back)

You need to be able to keep scapular retraction while in movent the entire time. Imagine trying to squeeze a grapefruit with your shoulder blades, that's how it should feel. A round back is like drinking a beer with a straw: just f'ing useless. Don't be that guy.

Scapular retraction:

3-5 sets, depending on your strength levels.

3A: pullups/chinups TF (to failure) Advanced: weighted pullups/chinups
3B: Dips TF Advanced: weighted dips

2-3 sets. Finish with 10-15 minute core circuit, making sure to include rotational movment.

Stretch, foam roll, and eat smart food within 20 minutes of your session.

This weeks schedule:
Monday: Heavybag work (30-40 mins) followed by Bikram yoga
Tuesday: Weight session above
Wednesday: Interval work followed by full stretching session (i've been mad tight lately and trying alleviate that with extra stretching/yoga sessions)
Thursday: Reactive/elastic strength training+ jump workout
Friday: Winter League Game
Saturday: Flag Football game in the morning, pickup ultimate in the afternoon
Sunday: Golf in the morning, either heavybag work or co-ed pickup in the afternoon, or both.


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