Monday, May 12, 2008

23/1 & STS 5-12-08

The best posture is the one that's constantly changing!- Eric Cressey

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Here's Nike with yet another awesome commercial:

Here's a short article by Eric Cressey that I really like.

The 23/1 Rule

The 23/1 rule states that although you may do everything
perfectly from a technique standpoint while you're in the gym for ONE hour per
day, you have TWENTY-THREE hours to do everything incorrectly outside the gym.
This is especially applicable to the desks jockeys who spend 8-10 hours per day
at the computer using poor posture. Make a point of getting up and moving around
as often as you can. Reach up to the sky, walk around, and do some doorway
stretches for your pecs and lats. The best posture is the one that's constantly
changing!- Eric Cressey

He speaks to what I emphatically believe, that athleticism is truly a lifestyle. Athletes don't stop being athletic when they leave the gym/field. Athletes move always with a proper, athletic gait. Athletes sit, reach, twist, & bend with an athletic posture. Postural control isn't something you only have when you're playing sports, it's something you practice and perfect all throughout your day. Yoga practitioners seem to grasp this concept best, as a direct result of the emphasis that's placed upon correct posture during poses.

Here's a great article on where to look while squatting, really good information for everyone, not just beginners. Remember, where your eyes go, your neck follows. And where your neck goes, your spine follows.

and another one on pushups:


Movement Prep: changed it up this morning and shot hoops at my gym for 15 minutes to warm up, just moving with the ball and shooting mid-range jumpers & finger-rolls. Basketball, such a fun game and a really effective way to warm the entire body up.

20 sumo-squat tosses
20 front-squat tosses
15 side-twist tosses against wall each side (in backhand throw position)
20 sumo-squat backwards tosses against wall
10 front-squat 1 hand tosses (each hand)

Catch every throw with an emphasis on catching it with soft hands, accepting the energy of the ball, not fighting it.


1A: split-squat jumps
1B: plyo pushups

twice through, resting after pushups

2A: Box jumps w/1 foot'd landings
2B: Superman pushups

twice through, resting after pushups

Functional lifts:

1: Hang Clean w/jerk: 6,4,4

2. Lateral Step-ups w/crossover: 8,8 each leg

3. Deadlifts: 8,8,6,4,4,4.


Finished with a circuit of:

GHD situps
Side twists w/weight
Side plank raises-12 each side

Two times through, resting only if necessary.

This week:

Monday: Workout above
Tuesday: Field work w/lateral movement emphasis
Wednesday: Goaltimate w/short yardage sprints afterwards.
Thursday: Weights w/elastic & reactive strength emphasis
Friday: Recovery
Saturday/Sunday: Condor Tryouts

Fired up that the pre-season is just around the corner. Curious to see who has been working out in the off-season, and who is going to get exposed. Most of all just excited to see the boys all together again, working towards something all bigger than ourselves. Also really excited to see new faces and what talent they can potentially bring to the squad. This year's going to be a fun one!


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