"If you meet the Buddha in the lane, feed him the ball." - Phil Jackson
Check out this sick video on bounding. Bounding is the culmination of all your sprint training, the ability to move with maximum full-body impact with consistent pace & form. If a 180lb male can generate 370lbs of force with each footstrike during a sprint, think of how much force is generated through bounding and how that translates over to fast-twitch muscle development. (Hint: Kobe generates around 1200lbs of force when he jumps off 1 foot for a dunk. Yeah, 1200lbs. That's not a typo.)
The full article
A great article on box squats. Box squats are absolutely the best tool for learning to overhead squat and 1-leg (pistol) squat correctly.
Speaking of squats, here's how to front squat properly. If I'm not overhead squatting it's my primary form of squat as it requires much more core control & stabilization than a traditional backsquat. Plus I can transition into a push-press, hang-clean, etc at any time. Try 1 set regular and 1 set front squat and see if you notice the functional difference.
A good article on anterior core training
and a couple videos for examples of isometric exercises and some other types. Good stuff to incorporate into your field workouts.
I've gotten a good number of questions regarding my workouts and it's important to note that what I post are just my weightroom sessions, which make up only 25% of my training program. (sorry, can't give away all my secrets) I follow Jim Radcliffe's program, the strength coach at U of Oregon, and the father of plyometrics. I had the extremely fortunate opportunity to train with him in high school and he's forever left a distinct impact on my athletic career. My program follows as such:
This week I spent a lot of time analyzing the sportlab videos and concepts and figuring out how to incorporate it into my training, which exercises were pertinent, and how I could re-create some of the movements at my gym as they pretty much use what looks like a glorified calf-raise machine. It's important to realize that when it comes to exercise science new ideas don't necessarily negate old ones, but rather build upon them. I don't have all the answers to the questions (yet), but it sure is fun exploring these new movements and how they translate over to the field.
Movement Prep: Circuit consisting of:
Jump-rope (1 min)
Handstand pushups against wall (TF)
bodyweight squats (12)
Jump-rope (1 min)
Handstand pushups (TF)
Walking split-squats w/core twist forewards, then backwards no twist (8 each direction)
Jump-rope (1 min)
inchworms (10)
Side-lunges (8 each direction)
Jump-rope (1 min)
step-ups (8 each leg)
bodyweight squats (12)
25 front-squat vertical tosses
25 Overhead slams
25 side-twist throws (in backhand position) each side
10 1-arm front-squat vertical tosses each arm(keep ball next to chest like shotput position, then explode upwards)
I mixed in mini-band shuffles between the different throws as well, switching between wearing the bands on both the ankles and just above the knee.
Plyo Skills & Drills
Each sequence performed 2x's resting only when necessary
1A: Box March with mini-band at knees http://www.exrx.net/Plyometrics/BoxMarchHigh.html
1B: plyo-pushups
2A: Split-squat jumps (not a lunge jump. There's just no lunging involved)
2B: jumping pull-ups w/tuck
3A: Lateral shuffles w/mini bands and holding medicine ball overhead
3B: Ab wheel (To failure)
4A: Box jumps w/1 foot landings
4B: jumping pull-ups w/tuck
Functional Exercises:
For this portion I performed a number of the arm swivels/circles on top of the swiss medicine ball that I saw from the sportslab videos as well as a bunch of balancing stability exercises such as bulgarian split-squats with back leg on the swiss ball, glute bridges, etc. I really just explored new movements and what their respective areas of focus were. I finished with a cable machine that has a foot attachment and did a number of different hip swivels and leg extensions focusing on minimal but explosive ground contact time and moving with hip mobility & stability. Great stuff and I could really feel it in the pelvic girdle muscles.
Core Circuit:
-GHD swandives (from sports lab video w/weights in each hand
- Standing core twists
- Side plank
- GHD situps
3x's through resting only when necessary.
This week:
Monday: Yoga/recovery
Tuesday: field work w/lateral agility emphasis
Wednesday: Workout above- plyometric/explosive emphasis
Thursday: Short but intense (always train as close to game speed as possible) sprint workout consisting of short-yardage sprints & speed transition work, followed by 4 rounds of heavybag work, punches & kicks. Kicks= the shit for making your legs strong.
Friday: Recovery
Saturday/Sunday: Cal States