Wednesday, April 9, 2008

STS 4-9-08

“But don't forget my ideas are only what's been written down in history by the great people of the world who've gone before. All I've done is condense the wisdom of the world into an attitude for athletics. Athletics aren't just running, it's a way of life” - Percy Cerutty

Another awesome video on Fre Flo Do redefining proprioception ability. Go ahead and marinate on this for a minute.

A good entry-level article on swiss ball exercises:

And some advanced swiss-ball nonsense:

And a great article on strengthening the ankles. After breaking my foot (twice) this article definitely hits close to home. As I'm sure some of you can relate, as foot/ankle injuries are such a pain in the ass. Better to be proactive about it now then deal with an injury later.


Movement Prep: Same as before, also added 50 jump-rope double unders at the end.

Medicine Ball: 3-throw sequence (sumo-squat toss w/catch, overhead slam, front squat toss w/catch) with mini-band shuffles in between. 3 sets of 5

Functional Lifts:

1A: Lateral Step-ups w/crossover: Stand on the left side of the medium plyo box with your right leg on the box in proper step-up position and bar w/weight on your back. Movement is the same as regular step-up except you step down to the side instead of backwards. Step up with right leg 3 times then at the top of step-up cross your left foot in front over to the right side of the top of the plyo box and step down with right foot so that you are now on the right side of the box with left foot on top of box in proper step-up position. Perform 3 with left-leg then cross-over back to original position. Shoot for 9-12 reps with each leg. Advanced Level: once you can lateral step-up with complete control crossover each time you step up instead of waiting until your 3rd rep.
1B: Jumping pull-ups w/tuck

2A: Hang Clean & Jerk:

set 1: 6 reps
set 2: 6 reps
set 3: 4 reps
set 4: 4 reps
set 5: 2 reps (clean only)
set 6: 2 reps (clean only)

2B: Push-press: finished it off with 2 sets of push-press, heavy as possible for 6 reps

3A: weighted pullups
3B: weighted dips

4: plyometric arm swings: 5lb dumbells in each hand TF. Maintain 90-90's with arms and swing through the shoulders, same motion as if you were sprinting.

Core Circuit: finished with circuit of GHD's, GHD situps, medicine ball twists, hanging leg raises. 3 times through no rest.

This week:

All the guys I train with were on different schedules this week so I dropped some weight days and mixed in extra field work.

Monday: Heavybag work/field work w/sprint mechanic emphasis
Tuesday: field work w/agility & lateral movement emphasis
Wednesday: weights- heavy day
Thursday: field work w/medicine ball and plyometric emphasis
Friday: recovery
Saturday/Sunday: One Love One Beach. I can almost taste the carbombs now. And it tastes good. Real good.



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