Tuesday, April 1, 2008

STS 4-1-2008

I don't have any tricky plays, I'd rather have tricky players.-- Abe Lemons


Great video. You can really see the connective chain of movements. Can also be done with dumbbells as well. Also pay attention to the landing mechanics. How you land is just as important as how you jump.

A smart article by Alwyn Cosgrove:


And another great one from Paul Chek. Check out the importance of the Anterior/Posterior Oblique System and how it translates over sports. Also pay attention to the image at the bottom of the article and the progression you should follow with your core training. If you don't know this name, you should.


Fre Flo Do. I call it: The Answer. How to take athleticism to truly it's greatest heights. Simply Brilliant, simply phenomenal.




Today's focus was on split-squats and OH movement. Remember, it's a split-squat, not a lunge. You are pushing with power from the back leg, not pulling from the front leg. There's simply no lunging involved. Your back leg should maintain a 90 degree angle with a straight line running from the top of your head down to the bottom of the knee of the back leg. For most of you that means shortening up your stance and cognitively focusing on flexing the posterior chain of your back leg. In Yoga you lunge. In sprinting you split-squat. Recognize the difference.

Movement Prep: usual mixture. See previous posts if you need a full breakdown.

Jump Training:

-Sitting box jumps 1 set of 12. Focus on landing with no noise.
- Standing box jumps landing on 1 leg in a 1/4 squat, focus on landing mechanics. 1 set of 8 each leg
- Split-squat jumps 2 sets of 12

Functional Lifts:

Split-Squat Drops: 2 weeks into these and love them. Starting in athletic stance with bar in push-press position, explode into split-squat while arms explode the bar overhead. Lower body explodes downward, arms explode up, core stays active but stable. Land with weight completely underneath you on the back leg, and keep that scapular retraction. Pop back up into push-press position and repeat with opposite leg in front. Really focus on fluidity and control while moving explosively. 3 sets x 10

This next sequence is a killer and couldn't be more functional. Props to my boy Chris for designing it.

1A: OH squats- 10 reps. Put a box behind you if you can't maintain proper control & form.
1B: Squat-to-Superman pushup- 10 reps. From standing squat down and walk hands all the way out in front (inchworm style) till hands are completely out in front (like superman), perform pushup and walk hands back. That's 1. Concentrate on a locked core and initiating movement from it. So dirrrty.
1C: 1 leg squats (pistol squats) 10 reps each leg: put a box behind you and sit down n' up just like you were getting out of a chair.

3 sets all the way through.

Arm Swivels: Holding 1 or 2lb dumbells in each hand stand in athletic stance. With your arms in a 90 degree angle (bent at elbow) pump your arms as fast and as hard as you can like you're sprinting moving the hands from your hip-pocket to your eye-socket. Focus on a stable core and movement through the shoulders. Keep those 90-90's and focus on the hip-pocket to eye-socket. 3 rounds until failure.

Core Circuit: finished with quick circuit incorporating twisting movements from Paul Chek's article from above. Used cables, medicine balls, and also threw some GHD's in to hit those hammys one last time.

This week:

Monday: Recovery
Tuesday: Field work & throwing (agility/sprint mechanic emphasis)
Wednesday: weights
Thursday: Field work & throwing (plyometric emphasis)
Friday: football receiver drills & dynamic stretching. Light movement day, emphasis on football mechanics & skills.
Saturday: Flag Football Championships. Time to stay undefeated.
Sunday: Weights or pick-up ultimate.

Hopefully you had a chance to check out the Nike Sparq commercials and it piqued your interest into all the different types of training you can incorporate to be stronger, faster, & quicker. Keep your body guessing and your workouts fresh. Routine is the enemy.


Your agility owes my agility $20,

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