Tuesday, March 18, 2008

STS 3-18-08

"The harder I practice, the luckier I get." - Gary Player

The following chart is the program for the U of Oregon athletes. This was designed by Jim Radcliffe, the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach who is also regarded as the "Father of Plyometrics." If you've done any kind of plyometric/jumping program (air alert, etc) the concepts behind it all flowed from him. For years he has been challenging new progressions of sports movements and showing the world just how explosive and fast-twitch the human body can be with the right training and the proper biomechanics.

Take a look at the breakdown on this. Right away you'll notice the two largest pieces of the pie: Weight training and movement specifics. As if you needed further confirmation that proper weight training is an absolutely critical part of your training program. Sorry it's a little blurry but the original chart is on the U of O strength & conditioning website if ya need a better copy.

Quick bio on Jim Radcliffe:


Here's a great article on the P-chain and the importance of glute activation:



Movement Prep: circuit of jump-rope, bodyweight squats, split-squats, side lunges, step-ups, handstand pushups, inchworms, and mini-band shuffles.

Plyometric Training:

-Box march w/mini bands: 2 sets TF


- Sitting Box Jumps: 2 sets x 10. Sit on medium plyo box, explode up and land on top of box in 1/4 squat with proper landing mechanics. If you don't land correctly it's now an exercise in reactive strength, bounce out of the landing in control back onto the ground. Resume sitting on box and repeat.

Functional Lifts:

- Hang Cleans: 2 sets x 6. Nothing prepares your body for front squats like a hang clean.

- Front Squats: 8, 8, 4, 3, 3. Went heavy as I could on the last two.

- Overhead split-squats: 4 x 8. Alternated legs each time and sets 1 & 3 were moving forwards, sets 2 & 4 were moving backwards.

- Overhead 1 leg (pistol) box squats: 3 x 8 each leg. Put the medium plyo box behind and just worked on sitting back and standing up with proper glute/core activation. Such a great exercise.

- Hang Snatches: 3 x 8. This exercise is sick because it trains the exact movement your upperbody, core, & arms make when reaching up for a disc during a jump. The more explosively you can reach upwards to your fullest extension could be the difference maker in getting to the disc first in the air and making the grab or getting sky'd yourself.

Here's a decent Xfit video showing the motions. Would be nice if they provided some commentary to go with it, but so it goes.


Core Circuit: finished with a core circuit that consisted of decline situps, jumping tuck pullups, core twists w/medicine balls, & dips-to-knee raise. Twice through resting only between circuits.


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