Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hill Runs & Heavybag

"You are how you train" - Vern Gambetta

Everyone should go back and re-read the article Vern posted on developing an aerobic base, then share it with someone it might help (link on the right). There's no "easing into" sprinting, it just doesn't work like that. That might be tough news to hear for some of you, but if you're going to do something, might as well do it right and get the absolute maximum benefit from it.

Heavybag Work:

5 rounds with 1 minute rest in between.

1 round=

- 1 minute power punches
- 1 minute speed combos
- 2 minutes jump-rope
- 30 kicks each leg- 10 roundhouse, 10 straight-kicks, 10 side-kicks
- Ab wheel- 10 reps

There was a study published in the UK about a year ago on the effects kicking a heavybag had on soccer players. Surprise surprise, those who kicked a heavybag 3x's a week had a lower % of injury, and stronger quads. I'm definitely no karate kid but kicking the bag sure does have a great affect on my legs. A heavybag is a staple to any home gym, they're not that expensive for the life you get out of them and the fitness possibilities are endless.

Hill Sprints:

Set 1: 10 x 10 seconds sprints with no rest. As soon as you finish the run walk backwards (for further posterior chain stabilization) down the hill to your starting place and repeat immediately. Focus on proper sprinting technique, hip-pocket-to-eye-socket with the arms in your 90-90's. You should be anaerobic as long as possible.

Set 2: 10 x 10 seconds backpedaling. Same concept, no rest till the 10 are finished. As soon as you're done walk forwards back to your starting spot and repeat. These killed me.

Set 3: 6 x 10 seconds forward sprints. Shoulda done more but punked out. This is where I really need a training partner to push me that extra distance. Hill runs by myself aren't exactly my favorite.

Finished with 2 rounds of:

- 2 minute speed & power punches
- 45 kicks each leg- 15 of each type

Finished in just under an hour and each movement was explosive, full body & core initiated. As it should be.

Off to Vegas for the Madness of March tomorrow. F yeah. 24 hours from now we'll be poolside care-free and drink-heavy watching UCLA take the title home yet again.

Vegas baby,

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