Thursday, June 5, 2008

STS 5-5-08 & The Serape Effect

“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” - John Dryden

Keegan-tino providing me with video proof that I need to jump earlier, especially when covering a dude 6 inches taller than me. Great slowmo footage to analyze throws as well.

This video is awesome! So many ideas & combinations, check out how well these guys move laterally.

Cool article on the Serape Effect. Again hits back to how connected the body is. When it talks about ballistic action, think in terms of your huck throw.

Awesome article from Alwyn Cosgrove on his training program. A great read for desiging workout programs, he really encompasses all pertinent areas of athleticism.

Article on Psoas muscle and it's role in movement.

More than you ever wanted to know about muscles:

Smart article on post-workout eating. Always remember that you have a 15-minute window from the end of your training to eat, anything past that and your body's ability to absorb what it so desperately needs decreases exponentially. Be proactive about having smart food nearby, and you have to eat irregardless of your hunger level. Remember muscle is built not in the training, but in the recovery.

Add-on to the article

It seems everybody lately has an opinion on the Olympics, from Tibet to drug testing. With the steroid issue still lingering in the media I came across this pretty incredible article. Interesting stuff.


Today's emphasis was on elastic/reactive strength.

Movement Prep:

Similar to last post, also mixed in standard plyo warmups. Buttkickers, skips, etc.

Medicine Ball:

Trained with a teammate this morning so were able to do a number of standing throws, overhead throws, 1-arm throws, twisting throws, squat-to-throws and split-squat-to-throws. There's no limit on the explosive movements you can create with the medicine ball. Also mixed in front-squat vertical tosses and overhead slams with mini band shuffles.

Elastic/Reactive & Plyometrics

Each station twice, resting only when necessary.

1A: down n' back step-ups on small plyo box (see archives if you need a description)
1B: Cable punches

2A: Sitting Box Jumps
2B: Plyo pushups

3A: squats with low weight for 30 seconds, focus is on moving as fast and elastic as possible. These are sick.
3B: kipping pullups

4A: Lateral shuffles with 10lb plate overhead
4B: GHD swan dives (same as GHD's but with 10lb dumbbells, and as you raise up bring the dumbbels out in a reverse fly) here's a cool video of GHD's with a twist:

5A: Box March with mini-bands just above knee
5b: hanging leg raises

6A: Push-press with just the bar for 30 seconds focusing on moving as fast as possible & explosively from the feet
6B: GHD situps

Finished with 10 minutes hard work switching between different hip swivels with the cable machine focused on minimal ground contact exploding off the balls of the feet. Nike SPARQ program calls them your "power pads" and it's a great way to describe landing and moving from the balls of the feet. Also mixed in standing core twists w/weight and more cable punches to finish it off. We worked at a relentless pace and was out in an hour.

This week:

Monday: Recovery
Tuesday: Boxing Workout, dynamic recovery on the legs
Wednesday: Field work with speed transition emphasis
Thursday: Workout above
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Field work with lateral movement emphasis
Sunday: Either beach day where I'll get some sand training in, or some pickup ultimate.

Can't wait to watch The Lake Show win tonight. Suck it Boston.

1 comment:

DLK said...

...i'm still waiting for an all- Ultimate update.

you need to feed your most important readers (a.k.a... me).

see you sooner than you think ;)