Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cabo'n & Wabo'n

Like Tom Glavine, now it's time for a change-up.


Instead of crushin' in it in the weightroom and on the grass like my normal, I spent a glorious 5 days in Cabo San Lucas with some great friends last week. Although I've already given up my soul to Mexico many a' time in college (mmmm...she was a giver), this was my first time experiencing the Wabo that is Cabo.

Epic & beautiful are the two most appropriate ways to describe this place. Warm water beaches and air temp so perfect you want to spend every moment you can outdoors. Palm trees as far as the eye can see, beach town vacation vibe, and carne asada & 'ritas 'round every corner. The bansion (beach + mansion= bansion) was the true main character of our story as it was THE place to be. The greatest part of my room was that it was beachside so when I left my huge sliding glass doors open as I stood in the open-air shower I could watch the waves crash onto the rocks. I can't describe what that's like, but I hope you get to experience something like that someday.

The view looking out into infinity:

The view from the right:

And the view to the left overlooking the most awesome rocky shore I'd ever seen:

This trip was the longest amount of time I've taken off from training since my foot break. Since I only had a 1/2 season last year (started playing about a month before sectionals) I didn't need to take any time off after Nationals, instead jumping right into my program the day I got back as I was still ridin' the Natty's wave and determined to do whatever it takes to get back there this year. And the next. And the next...etc. :)

I figured the best way for me to fully enhance my 5-day break from training (and life) was to drink my body weight in Tequila. Luckily I had my partners in crime (or enablers, as some people like to call them...whatever that means) Brian Bogle, Aussie Steve, & the infinity pool to help me in my quest. It was a big task, but we were up for the challenge.

Cigars taste good in Cabo. Real good.

Our schedule consisted of laying around the infinity pool listening to the uber-swanky sound system that was hooked up to every room in the place, including outside, meandering down to explore the rocks & our private beach, and heading out to the club/bars at night. The spots were decent, the employees were well-versed in the art of handing you alchohol when didn't ask for it, making you drink it, and then charging you for it. They only fooled me 9 times before I caught on to their sinister plan. Tricky bastards. But a sizeable amount of dodgy characters plus the Entourage-esque bansion waiting at home made for us mostly just showing our faces for a couple hours, getting some drinks, and heading back to the swanky pad. Plus I'm now fully convinced now that living in LA has tainted me in the club department.

Another unexpected bonus in an already over-the-top adventure was that the company that owned the house also gave us another smaller condo & private resort to use during the day since they were doing construction on the house next door. The only thing better than having one isolated picturesque place to chill is...having two! This resort came with another private beach, 4 ridiculously beautiful and huge pools to relax in, and a nice lil' grass area to throw the ol' bee around.

All in all, it was a perfect trip that I'll never forget. Getting a chance to spend some quality time with Steve and Brian was SO great since they're up in the Bay and we only see each other sporadically. Miss those guys already.

Random awesomeness from the trip:

-The $1.50 silver plastic running suit that Steve & his girl found at the supermercado. Apparently mexian physical fitness extends further than futbol and bullfighting. Who knew?

- Supermercado's have a whole aisle dedicated to straw hats. They LOVE them straw hats.

- Apparently eating 3 pounds of fresh shrimp + 5 pitchers of margaritas = a bad thing. Again, who knew?

- Cabo Wabo= Lame. You heard it here first.

- Hunter Steve and his homemade spear.

- Crabs on rocks.

-Snorkel Time with Sara

-Butta vs. infinity

- Mr. Iguana

- Rocky beach Sunday morning after an unforgettable 24 hours.

-Da Boys at da pool

- And last but not least, some jerk.

We'll get back to that exercise thing later. For now just try and soak up a bit o' Cabo for a moment...

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